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Schermata 2018-09-03 alle 09.43.59.png

PTFE is the strongest thermoplastic polymer currently available.

Compared to other plastic materials, PTFE offers less friction, exceptional chemical resistance and greater sealing capacity.

Sealing elements have always set new benchmarks in hydraulic applications and the new Hallite Armorlene ® PTFE seals are no exception. The new PTFE is designed and developed for dynamic applications.

The product portfolio holds 26 materials of which 18 are Armorlene ® PTFE and include:

  • Increased wear resistance

  • Greater heat transfer

  • Greater mechanical strength

  • Greater resistance to extrusion

  • Greater resistance to friction

  • Higher thermal conductivity

Il PTFE is ensured by our technical skills and by the tests carried out, which guarantee the creation of reliable customized sealing solutions. Glass, bronze, graphite and nickel are the main fillers that allow to achieve high performances.

The Hallite PTFE material and related product range are designed for application solutions in dynamic and static environments where speeds of 15 m/s (50ft/s), low friction, temperature range from -200 to 260° are required and achieved C (-328 to 500°F), wear resistance, variety of fluids and high pressures up to 600 bar (8700 psi).

While maintaining the intrinsic properties and characteristics of the material, PTFE through the addition of various fillers can bring greater resistance to mechanical forces, stability and wear resistance. Using these fillers such as glass, carbon, MoS2 graphite, bronze and minerals enhance the characteristics of PTFE.


Pastore Carmelo, Fabrizio & CSrl
Registered office: Via Gozzano  9 - 28021 Borgomanero (NO)
Point of sale and destination of goods: Via E.Montale 28 - 28021  Borgomanero fraz. San Marco (NO)

Fiscal Code and VAT number 00579530031

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